Sunday, August 30, 2009


Great report on the "Monkeys of Costa Rica..."

Monkey Report


Thursday, August 13, 2009

More great news...Don't waste anymore time....Come on down..!

More about life in Costa Rica from "The Happy Planet Reports"...
Click here for report

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pizza Hut Bicycle Racing Team

Our second group of guests here at the Aurora Hotel was the Pizza Hut Costa Rica Bicycle racing team. They stayed two nights, and used the hotel facilities to prepare themselves and their bikes for the race. There were about 70 riders in all for the race, and our group places first and second!

Congrats Pizza Hut Riders...!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Too perfect?

Here at Lake Arenal the tempuratures range year round from a freezing 70 degrees to a sweltering 85 degrees... ; )
In other words, perfect every day and night. A lot like Hawaii, too, as we will have short, heavy tropical rains which may last for an hour or two, and then the sun comes smiling through.
In this mild climate they don't build homes with heaters or A/C units, so the average electric bill is usually $10 to $20 per month!
What a change from the $400 to $500 we were paying in Fresno!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First guests at the Aurora Hotel....

Were Marco and Frank. Frank is from Northern Ireland, and has ridden his motorcycle from Alaska (Prudho Bay) and stopped here on his way to Ushuaia, South America. Marco is originally from Ecuador, and is riding back home from Miami, Fla.
Had a great time meeting them and sharing stories of the road....

The secret to living longer

Great article about "Blue Zones" Places where people live to be way over 100. One of them is in Cosrta Rica! Click to go to article

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We're Here!!!

Came into the Beautiful Lake Arenal town on Nuevo Arenal yesterday. It is better than I had remembered.
We moved in to a room at the Aurora Hotel, where we will be staying for awhile as we are refurbishing it and preparing to re-open it soon.